About Us
InstroTek now offers Radiation Safety Training for Nuclear Moisture and Density Gauge Operators. Courses are offered three convenient ways: online (Webinar), at one of our locations or one of our instructors will come to you. We strive to make this experience effective, educational and rewarding without wasting your time or money.

Dr. James enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1974 after finishing High School. After the Marine Corps he obtained Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Physics at Wake Forest University in 1982 and 1984. He completed his Ph.D. degree in Physics at North Carolina State University in 1989 with an emphasis in nuclear physics. Dr. James conducted extensive research at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratories (TUNL) located at Duke University in Durham, NC. His experience includes five years in academic research and 26 years of corporate research, development, design, training and manufacturing of instrumentation using radioisotopes. He has utilized MCNP (Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon) transport code in developing and optimizing nuclear gauges for the pulp & paper and the aluminum industry. He has moisture gauge coupled with a volume measurement system for the pulp and paper industry that was placed in operation starting in 2003. Currently Vice President of Research at InstroTek, Dr. James has been training technicians and students in radiation safety, transportation regulations and the safe use of nuclear gauges since 2000.
Mr. Lavely obtained a Bachelors Degree in Health Science (Radiation Safety) from Purdue University in 1972. He obtained a Masters in Environmental Management from the University of San Francisco in 1982. Finally, he received a Juris Doctor (J. D.) from John F. Kennedy University in 2002. His work experience has included being a Radiation Protection Manager and Manager of Emergency Preparedness in the nuclear power industry. He was the Radiation Safety Officer at University of California at Berkeley for almost 20 years. He also worked for the State of California as a Health Physicist working on decommissioning, licensee inspection, licensing of radioactive material use facilities. During this career he was almost continually involved in Radiation Safety training. Additionally, he was a part of the response to several nuclear accidents, including the meltdown at Three Mile Island and he done multiple dose reconstructions. He implemented the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Increased Controls Program for the possession and use of radioactive sealed sources.

Ali Regimand is the President and founder of InstroTek, Inc. He holds a Bachelor degree in Physics and Mathematics, with an MS degree in Nuclear Engineering from N.C. State University. Ali has 30 plus years of experience in research, development, design, training and manufacturing of portable and laboratory based products. Mr. Regimand has served other companies in the areas of manufacturing, information management systems, engineering, research and development. He is a member and chairman of several subcommittees at American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and holds over 20 US and international patents. Mr. Regimand has been the lead development engineer on over 40 products in the last 30 years, mostly in the construction materials testing area. He has also lead developments with nuclear, non-nuclear, vacuum and laser base devices for measurement of moisture content, material density, cement content, adhesive strength, material composition determination and additive content measurement in the construction, industrial, agricultural and homeland security markets. Mr. Regimand and InstroTek are known around the world for development of some of the most innovative products for moisture, density, material properties and quality control testing equipment. Most of the products developed by InstroTek result from industry need and close working relationships with universities and public agencies.

Maurice Arbelaez, V.P. of Sales and Marketing for InstroTek Inc., is a native of Colombia, South America and currently resides in Raleigh, North Carolina. Maurice received his degree from North Carolina State University in Business Administration and International Business in 2001. Maurice has been with InstroTek since 2003 and is now responsible for all commercial aspects of the company. During his time at InstroTek, he has worked with some of the largest asphalt research institutions in the United States including the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Maurice’s expert knowledge of the asphalt industry has helped him establish numerous specifications for InstroTek products in the United States. Maurice frequently attends industry events and meetings to discuss the latest testing issues and technology solutions with researchers, government officials and contractors. He is a member of eight state asphalt pavement associations, including California, Texas, North Carolina and Colorado. Maurice has worked in over 20 countries to market and grow the InstroTek product line.